Medical Information
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Medicines are only administered at school when it would be detrimental to a child’s health or school attendance not to do so. It is our preference that, where possible, all medicines are administered at home. Medication will only be administered in school if it is prescribed by a doctor. A consent form signed by a parent/carer must be completed.
The medication must be in date, in its original container and be clearly labelled with key information. It will be stored securely and staff record on the consent form when the medication is administered or the child is supervised self-administering.
If your child needs to keep regular prescribed medication in school (e.g. an auto-injector or inhaler) please come and speak to us about this.
Our Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy can be found on our policies page.
Food Allergy - School Guidelines
The law requires schools to make arrangements for students with medical conditions, including food allergies. The Children and Families Act 2014 and the statutory guidance Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (above) set out the duties that schools must fulfil. This includes implementing a suitable food allergy policy, which explains how the school will control risks and what emergency procedures are in place.
More specifically, controlling allergens in a school involves having strict rules for how food is provided and shared. It also requires a school-wide awareness of allergens and anaphylaxis, and the cooperation of everyone who supports the child in and out of school.
Although we recognise that this cannot be guaranteed, we aim to be a nut-free school. This policy serves to reduce the risk to those children and adults who may suffer an anaphylactic reaction if exposed to nuts to which they are sensitive. The school aims to protect children who have allergies to nuts yet also help them, as they grow up, to take responsibility as to what foods they can eat and to be aware of where they may be put at risk.
We do not allow nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes.
This means that the following items should not be brought into school:
- Packs of nuts
- Peanut butter / chocolate hazelnut spread sandwiches
- Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
- Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
- Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
Cakes made with nuts - We have a policy to not use nuts in any of our food prepared on site at our school. Our suppliers provide us with nut-free products. However, we cannot guarantee freedom from nut traces.