Spratton CE Primary School

'I have come that you may have life, and have life in all its fullness' John 10:10


Please find below an A-Z list of our Trust and school policies. Printed copies of any of these documents can be requested from the school office. 

 Data Protection and Data Subject Rights Policy.pdfDownload
 Exclusions Policy.pdfDownload
 Privacy Notice (Pupils).pdfDownload
 Privacy Notice - Parents (March 2021).pdfDownload
 Privacy Notice - Staff (March 2021).pdfDownload
 Privacy Notice - Volunteers (all) (March 2021).pdfDownload
 Records Retention and Deletion Policy.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Sex Health Education Policy.pdfDownload
 Religious Education Policy.pdfDownload
 Safeguarding Policy - Academy Specific Details.pdfDownload
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